would you like to incorporate an additional income stream into your dance studio?
Achieve studio success with our ‘Dance Studio Hire Formula’ which may provide you an additional income stream and more client exposure through your venue
What’s included:
- Area research
- Preparing your studio space for hire
- Application & administration processes
- Marketing the space for hire
- Pricing & Structure
- Data systems & information management
- Forms & Templates
Why not open your mind to a new way of looking at your studio space. The additional income that studio hire provides pays the essential bills, increases overall revenue and provides valuable exposure and marketing opportunities

– Creates an additional income stream for your business.
– Creates an opportunity for you to streamline a few premises processes which makes your studio more efficient, safer and more secure.
– Advertises your business even more from a different angle than that of just your normal class marketing.
– Adds overall venue security by having more people in your studio during more of the week.
– Provides you with cross-promotion opportunities with the people or groups hiring your studio space.
– The extra income generated can allow you to do those other things in your business you always wanted to, for example, new signage, update your sound system, put in CCTV or buy new tumbling mats.
– The extra income can allow you to consider moving into a larger studio space you always wanted but did not think you could afford.
– Provides income to your business during holiday periods when your business is not generating income, which in turn settles the peaks and troughs of income.
The Free
Come inside the behind the scenes of my MULTI-6 FIGURE dance studio where I pull back the curtain on the strategies that led to unprecedented enrolment and retention success.

FREE Clarity Call with ME!
Wondering how I can help you?
Book in a FREE 20min Clarity Call with me were I will give you personalised strategies and advice to assist you and your dance business.
Email me at info@dancestudioempire.au if you have any additional questions!