The 2017 Australian Dance Festival has been a wonderful three day event held at the Homebush precinct. Performances, master classes, teachers room, studio owner training and professional development. The Australian Dance Festival certainly delivered this year.

I was fortunate this year to be asked to sit on the expert panel in the teachers room at the festival. Our topic this year was ‘Secrets of running a successful dance studio’. A topic obviously close to many dance teachers hearts with an overwhelming attendance. For nearly 2 and a half hours we went at it, topic after topic. From pre school programs, teacher training, teacher management, studio operations and even multicultural and disabled class structures wow….

It was lovely to be on the panel with a bunch of like minded and talented colleagues. We are in this together after all and its nice to hear everyone’s challenges and successes without judgment and plenty of support.

Dance Teacher Training for studio owners

Dance Teacher Training at Australian Dance Festival

Dance Teacher Training for student teachers