In a career spanning three decades – from humble beginnings teaching dance in her parents’ garage while still at school, to becoming a distinguished studio owner, dance teacher coach and industry leader – Jen Dalton knows exactly what it takes to stay current and achieve mastery in the evolving world of dance.
With a philosophy centred on empowering and educating dance teachers to be the most effective leaders they can be, Jen’s highly anticipated book Teaching Dance Beyond the Steps is an essential guide for every dance teacher, regardless of their current position, who wants to maximise their impact and secure a future in the industry.
Filled with compelling personal stories, case studies, helpful links, downloads and resources; Jen doesn’t hold anything back as she guides you through every step of the Dance Teacher Evolution Process and the 5 Principles of Dance Teacher Mastery to show you how you, too, can position yourself as an industry leader and influencer.
The art of teaching dance is as important as the art of learning dance. This unique training platform will give you everything you need in order to master teaching dance beyond the steps. THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT YOUR DANCE STUDIO, AND PROVIDE YOU WITH INSIGHT OF HOW CHANGE, AND ACCEPTANCE OF CHANGE, WILL HELP YOU GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO A NEW LEVEL.
At only $27 this book may be the best investment in your dance studio this year…..
Order your copy [CLICK HERE]